




Publications | Media Coverage


22-23 Aug Dr. R. Yeap as invited panellist & judge, "Asia FinTech Conference 2024" & "Asia FinTech Awards 2024".
15 Mar Dr. R. Yeap as invited panellist, "Unlocking Digital Potential with AI, Web3, and Collaborative Innovation", Morpheus Labs.
Jan-Mar Dr. R. Yeap, "Manage IP at a Strategic Level" (Slides) for Singapore Media Academy.
Jan-Apr Dr. R. Yeap as invited lecturer, "BS3006/BS7006: Bioentrepreneurship: IP Management and Business Plans",  School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University.


27-28 Oct Dr. R. Yeap as invited speaker, "AI & Big Data: The Promises, Pitfalls, and Perils", Quantum AI Cybernetics, SIM.
18-20 Sep Dr. R. Yeap as trainer/facilitator "WSQ An Introduction to the Fundamentals of the Personal Data Protection Act for Non-Legal Personnel" (Slides), SIM
11-12 Sep Dr. R. Yeap as trainer, "Blockchain, Cryptoassets and Due Diligence" (Slides), ISCA
May Dr. R. Yeap as invited speaker, "Overview of IP Support Landscape in Singapore and recent IP Commercialisation Trends", IP Innovation Forum 2023 IIPCC Singapore.
Mar Dr. R. Yeap as invited speaker, "The Landscape of Fundraising for Social Impact Startups",  3rd Annual Technology for Change Asia, NUS Social Impact Catalyst.
Mar Dr. R. Yeap as invited panellist, "Economist Panel: In conversation with the investors",  3rd Annual Technology for Change Asia, Economist.
Jan-Jul Dr. R. Yeap, "Manage IP at a Strategic Level" (Slides) for Singapore Media Academy.
Jan-Apr Dr. R. Yeap as invited lecturer, "BS3006/BS7006: Bioentrepreneurship: IP Management and Business Plans",  School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University.


25 Oct Dr. R. Yeap as invited judge, "Slingshot: Transformative Digital Technologies domain", Enterprise Singapore.
26-27 Sep Dr. R. Yeap as trainer, "Blockchain, Cryptoassets and Due Diligence" (Slides), ISCA
19-21 Sep Dr. R. Yeap as trainer/facilitator "WSQ An Introduction to the Fundamentals of the Personal Data Protection Act for Non-Legal Personnel" (Slides), SIM
28 Jul Dr. R. Yeap & J. Tai, "AI & Cryptoassets: Using IP as a Growth Strategy" (Slides), for Brands for Good 2023.
28 Jul B Ng, Ow J, L Nuo, Dr. R Yeap, HK Seh, J Zhang, WB Wang and Dr. A Ang, Judges for "Web3 Conference 2022: NFT, Metaverse, GameFi, Web3 Hackathon" Event Video, Archive1, Archive2, organised by Morpheus Labs, Huawei Cloud, Blockchain Association Singapore and Asia Token Fund.
23 Jun Dr. R. Yeap & J. Tai, "Healthcare & Medical Tech: Using IP as a Growth Strategy" (Slides), for Brands for Good 2023.
Jan-Jul Dr. R. Yeap, "Manage IP at a Strategic Level" (Slides) for Singapore Media Academy, SG United.
Jan-Apr Dr. R. Yeap as invited lecturer, "BS3006/BS7006: Bioentrepreneurship: IP Management and Business Plans",  School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University.


3 Nov Dr. R Yeap, PH Nguyen, J Lette, X Tong and Robert as panel members, "Guide to Cross Border Investment & Market Entry", ASEAN Business Angel Alliance.
Oct Dr. R. Yeap as trainer, "Blockchain, Cryptoassets and Due Diligence" (Slides), ISCA
Aug Dr. R. Yeap as trainer, "Managing Cyber Forensics and Cybersecurity" (Slides), ISCA
May Dr. R. Yeap as trainer, "Blockchain, Cryptoassets and Due Diligence" (Slides), ISCA
Apr-Oct Dr. R. Yeap, "WSQ Manage IP at a Strategic Level" (Slides) for Singapore Media Academy, Public runs.
Jan-Apr Dr. R. Yeap as invited lecturer, "BS3006/BS7006: Bioentrepreneurship: IP Management and Business Plans" (Slides),  School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University.
25 Feb Dr. R. Yeap, HL. Chia, P. Chakravarti, SW. Wu, K. Lim, G. Unsworth, "Panel Discussion: Accelerating Innovations in FinTech with Blockchain and AI" (Slides, Event Video), Fintech Digital Innovation Symposium, Huawei Cloud Day.
23 Feb Dr. R. Yeap as invited judge, "SG Founder IGNITE 2021", Group photo, Event Video, Enterprise Singapore.


Nov Dr. R. Yeap as trainer, "PDPA: Risks, Compliance and AI Ethics" (Slides), ISCA
Nov Dr. R. Yeap as trainer, "Managing Cyber Forensics and Cybersecurity" (Slides), ISCA
Jul Dr. R. Yeap, "WSQ Manage IP at a Strategic Level" (Slides) for Singapore Media Academy, Public run.
Jan-Apr Dr. R. Yeap as invited lecturer, "BS3006/BS7006: Bioentrepreneurship: IP Management and Business Plans",  School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University.


14-16 Aug Dr. R. Yeap as invited hackathon judge, "National Blockchain Challenge", Global Tech Challenge.
27 Apr Quek, L., Teo, D., Pandya, J., Yang, J., Dr. R. Yeap as invited panelists, "VC Investments: Equity and Crypto",  Cryptoprofile.
22-23 Apr Dr. R. Yeap as trainer, "Blockchain, Cryptoassets and ICO Due Diligence" (Slides), ISCA
Jan-Apr Dr. R. Yeap as invited lecturer, "BS3006/BS7006: Bioentrepreneurship: IP Management and Business Plans",  School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University.
Feb-Mar Dr. R. Yeap, "WSQ Manage IP at a Strategic Level" for Singapore Media Academy, Public run.
19 Feb Dr. R. Yeap as moderator for "BANSEA Investors Meeting", BANSEA.
21-22 Jan Dr. R. Yeap as trainer, "Blockchain, Cryptoassets and ICO for Professionals: Due Diligence, BANSEA Methodology and Case Studies" (Slides), ISCA
17-18 Jan Dr. R. Yeap as trainer/facilitator "WSQ An Introduction to the Fundamentals of the Personal Data Protection Act for Non-Legal Personnel" (Slides), ISCA


4 Dec Dr. R. Yeap as invited panelist, "Future of STOs, Stablecoins and Cryptoassets Panel Discussion", ECXX Launch.
29-30 Nov Dr. R. Yeap as trainer, "Blockchain, Cryptoassets and ICO for Professionals: Due Diligence, BANSEA Methodology and Case Studies" (Slides), ISCA
29 Nov Dr. R. Yeap as invited panelist, "Principality 2018: Blockchain Conference And Expo", Marina Bay Sands.
28 Nov Dr. R. Yeap as invited judge, "IT Youth Award 2019", Singapore Computer Society
21 Oct Dr. R. Yeap as invited panelist member, "Roundtable Panel Discussion: Past, Present & Future of Blockchain", Unchained 2018, DIFY & Safra.
27 Sep Omar Ibrahim, Connie Liew, Dr. R. Yeap, Xannee Leo, Wilson Wang and Hope Liu as panelist members, "Blockchain Tech Series: The Blockchain Puzzle", Tokenize / Justco
19 Sep Dr. R. Yeap and Kenneth Bok as panelist members, "Fireside Chat: Looking at ICOs in a New Light", SWITCH Conference, BANSEA
30-31 Aug Dr. R. Yeap as trainer, "Future Economy: Digital Transformation & Industry 4.0 for Adult Education", IAL
30-31 Jul Dr. R. Yeap as trainer, "Blockchain, Cryptoassets and ICO for Professionals: Due Diligence, BANSEA Methodology and Case Studies" (Slides), ISCA
13 Jul Dr. R. Yeap as invited speaker & panelist, "Early Stage Funding Sources: Local and Global", ACE and BANSEA
2 Jun Dr. R. Yeap as invited trainer, "Advanced IP Strategies", Ideas. Inc. Business Challenge, NTU
30, 31 May Dr. R. Yeap as trainer/facilitator "WSQ An Introduction to the Fundamentals of the Personal Data Protection Act for Non-Legal Personnel", ISCA
19 Apr Dr. R. Yeap as invited speaker "Investing in ICOs: Due Diligence, Methodology and Case Studies", BANSEA Academy, Paypal Innovation Lab
27 Apr Dr. R. Yeap as invited Judge "Startup Pitching Track", Platform-E, Circle: Orbiting Innovation and Entrepreneurship, SIM.
4-5 Apr M. Smith, K. Drijkoningen, V. Harnal, Dr. R. Yeap, "Panel Discussion: The Venture Capitalist's Point of View", De/Centralize 2018 Conference.
27 Mar Dr. R. Yeap, "Sun Tzu Art of War & Pitching Deck Analysis", BANSEA, SIIM Platform-E.
Jan-Apr Dr. R. Yeap, "Managing IP Assets", School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University.
11, 12 Jan Dr. R. Yeap as trainer/facilitator, "WSQ An Introduction to the Fundamentals of the Personal Data Protection Act for Non-Legal Personnel", ISCA.


20 Oct Dr. R. Yeap as invited judge for Ideas Inc. Business Challenge 2017.
16 Oct Dr. R. Yeap as moderator for "BANSEA Investors Meeting", BANSEA Angel Fund 1, BANSEA.
28, 29 Sep Dr. R. Yeap as trainer/facilitator "WSQ An Introduction to the Fundamentals of the Personal Data Protection Act for Non-Legal Personnel", ISCA.
Aug-Sep Dr. R. Yeap and Dr. SK Toh as invited lecturers for "TP6004 Intellectual Property & Technology Evaluation & Commercialisation", Master of Science in Technopreneurship and Innovation, Nanyang Technological University.
24 Jul Dr. R. Yeap as moderator for "BANSEA Investors Meeting", BANSEA Angel Fund 1, BANSEA.
18 Jul Dr. R. Yeap as invited lecturer "IP Protection and Technology Commercialisation",  Eastern International University of Vietnam @ NTU.
12, 14 Jun Dr. R. Yeap as trainer/facilitator "WSQ An Introduction to the Fundamentals of the Personal Data Protection Act for Non-Legal Personnel", SIM.
7 Jun Dr. R. Yeap, J Salaberry and R. Raghavan as invited panelist for "Empowering Startups to Achieve Sustainable Growth in Asia", organised by BANSEA, PWC & SGX @ SGX Centre.
25 May Dr. R. Yeap, Dr. WQ Lu, Dr. YY Cai and Mr. WC Lee as invited judges for "VR+Pedagory Contest", innovJAM, Institute of Adult Learning.
24 Apr Dr. R. Yeap as moderator for "BANSEA Investors Meeting", BANSEA Angel Fund 1, BANSEA.
21 Apr Dr. R. Yeap as trainer/facilitator for "WSQ Design and Develop e-Learning Programme", Institute of Adult Learning
9 Apr Dr. R. Yeap, Mr. KH Wong, Mr. L Ling, Mr. W Thien, Mr. T Yeo, Mr. KL Sim as invited judges for "AEM Challenge  Hackathon", Institute of Adult Learning
9 Apr Dr. R. Yeap as invited Judge for "AE Mentorship Challenge", Institute of Adult Learning.
31 Mar Dr. R. Yeap as Webinar facilitator "WSQ An Introduction to the Fundamentals of the Personal Data Protection Act for Non-Legal Personnel", SIM.
29-30 Mar Dr. R. Yeap as trainer/facilitator "WSQ An Introduction to the Fundamentals of the Personal Data Protection Act for Non-Legal Personnel" (Slides thumbnails), Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants.
20 Mar Mr. D Moskowitz, Mr. A. Zeall and Dr. R. Yeap as invited speakers for "Blockchain Introduction and Blockchain Industry 1.0 Discussion Panel", Disruptive Innovation (cache), NTUC PME Week.
Feb Dr. R. Yeap as trainer/facilitator for "WSQ Design and Develop e-Learning Programme", Institute of Adult Learning
31 Jan Dr. R. Yeap, "Managing IP Assets", School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University.


23-24 Nov Dr. R. Yeap as invited trainer/facilitator "WSQ An Introduction to the Fundamentals of the Personal Data Protection Act for Non-Legal Personnel" (Slides thumbnails), Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants.
18-22 Nov Dr. R. Yeap as invited speaker "IIPCC Singapore", IIPCC ACM Korea, Seoul.
7-8 Nov Dr. R. Yeap as invited trainer/facilitator "WSQ Monitor and Maintain IP processes" IP Academy.
21 Oct Dr. R. Yeap as invited judge for Ideas Inc. Business Challenge 2016.
Oct Dr. R. Yeap, "WSQ Manage IP at a Strategic Level" for Singapore Media Academy, Public run.
Sep-Oct Dr. R. Yeap and Dr. SK Toh as invited lecturers for "TP6004 Intellectual Property & Technology Evaluation & Commercialisation", Master of Science in Technopreneurship and Innovation, Nanyang Technological University.
26-28 Sep Dr. R. Yeap as invited panel moderator and speaker for "Research Innovation Asia Summit 2016"
Sep Dr. R. Yeap as invited facilitator for "WSQ Design and Develop e-Learning Programme", Institute of Adult Learning
Aug Dr. R. Yeap as invited facilitator for "WSQ Use Blended Learning to Deliver Effective Learning Facilitation", Institute of Adult Learning
18-19 Jul Dr. R. Yeap as invited trainer/facilitator "WSQ An Introduction to the Fundamentals of the Personal Data Protection Act for Non-Legal Personnel" (Slides thumbnails), Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants.
7 Jul Dr. R. Yeap as moderator for "BANSEA Investors Meeting", BANSEA Angel Fund 1, BANSEA.
20 Apr Dr. R. Yeap as invited judge for "FYP/UROP Innovation Award", National University of Singapore.
16-17 Mar Dr. R. Yeap as invited trainer/facilitator "WSQ An Introduction to the Fundamentals of the Personal Data Protection Act for Non-Legal Personnel" (Slides thumbnails), Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants.


3 Dec Dr. R. Yeap as invited speaker for "Blended Learning: 6W1H" (Slides thumbnails), ISCA.
3 Dec Dr. R. Yeap, B. Lim, D, Lim and S. Jain as speakers for iN.LAB 1st InnovJam, WDA, Lifelong Learning Institute; "Ctrl-Alt-Del LMS" Part 1 | Part 2
3-4 Nov Dr. R. Yeap as invited trainer/facilitator "WSQ Monitor and Maintain IP processes" IP Academy.
28 Oct Dr. R. Yeap as invited moderator for the WDA plenary discussion sessions on "The Journey towards Technology-Enabled Learning", iN.LEARN 2020 Launch & iN.LAB Opening (source). Proceedings from Discussion Session 1 & 2.
Sep - Oct Dr. R. Yeap, "Technology Commercialisation and Managing Intellectual Property", School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University.
7-8 Jul Dr. R. Yeap as invited trainer/facilitator "WSQ An Introduction to the Fundamentals of the Personal Data Protection Act for Non-Legal Personnel" (Slides thumbnails), Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants.
Aug - Sep Dr. R. Yeap and Dr. SK Toh as invited lecturers for "TP6004 Intellectual Property & Technology Evaluation & Commercialisation", Master of Science in Technopreneurship and Innovation, Nanyang Technological University.
12 - 14 Aug Dr. R. Yeap as invited judge for SiTF Awards 2015.
27-29 Jul Dr. R. Yeap as invited judge for Ideas Inc. Business Challenge 2015.
23 Jul Dr. R. Yeap, Mr. R Lee and M. Sharma as invited judges for Startable 2015 @ ITE College Central, a Business Competition sponsored by the Chua Thian Poh Entrepreneurship Education Fund.
7-8 Jul Dr. R. Yeap as invited trainer/facilitator "WSQ An Introduction to the Fundamentals of the Personal Data Protection Act for Non-Legal Personnel" (Slides thumbnails), Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants.
Apr - May Dr. R. Yeap and Dr. SK Toh as invited lecturers for "TP6004 Intellectual Property & Technology Evaluation & Commercialisation", Master of Science in Technopreneurship and Innovation, Nanyang Technological University.
23 Apr Dr. R. Yeap and I. Chek as invited judges for "FYP/UROP Innovation Award", National University of Singapore.
Apr Dr. R. Yeap, "WSQ Manage IP at a Strategic Level" for Singapore Media Academy, Public run.
26-27 Mar Dr. R. Yeap as speaker "Sun Tzu Art of War & Patent Intelligence" (Slides thumbnails) Information Tools for IP & Intelligence Conference, Infonortics 2015.
13-14 Jan Dr. R. Yeap as invited trainer/facilitator "WSQ An Introduction to the Fundamentals of the Personal Data Protection Act for Non-Legal Personnel" (Slides thumbnails), Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants.
Jan - Apr J. Foo & Dr. R. Yeap as invited expert lecturers for Cyber Forensics, Murdoch Unversity.
6-7 Jan Dr. R. Yeap as invited trainer/facilitator "WSQ Monitor and Maintain IP processes" IP Academy.


Dec Prof. G.N., Su, Dr. R. Yeap, J. Kong as invited speakers, "Building an IP Infrastructure for HK: Learning from the Malaysia and Singapore", Business of IP Asia Forum, Hong Kong.
Nov Dr. R. Yeap as invited trainer/facilitator "WSQ An Introduction to the Fundamentals of the Personal Data Protection Act for Non-Legal Personnel" (Slides thumbnails), Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants.
Sep - Nov Dr. R. Yeap, "WSQ Manage IP at a Strategic Level" (9-6pm) for Singapore Media Academy, SDIM, Public run.
11-12 Oct Dr. R. Yeap as invited judge for Ideas Inc. Business Challenge 2014.
Oct Dr. R. Yeap as invited lecturer for "IP Management", MSc in Entrepreneurship, Institute for Entrepreneurship & SME, Fribourg / Switzerland.
Sep - Oct Dr. R. Yeap, "Technology Commercialisation and Managing Intellectual Property", School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University.
Sep Dr. R. Yeap, "Strategic Information Management for Competitive Advantage", Master of Science, for University College Dublin, National University of Ireland, Dublin.
Sep Dr. R. Yeap, "Monitor and Maintain IP Processes" (9-6pm) for IP Academy.
5 Sep Dr. R. Yeap, M. English & W.A. Nae, 'Medtech: Novel IP Strategies with Case Studies", "" Intellectual Property Office of Singapore.
Aug-Sep Dr. R. Yeap and W.A. Nae as invited lecturers for "TP6004 Intellectual Property & Technology Evaluation & Commercialisation", Master of Science in Technopreneurship and Innovation, Nanyang Technological University.
June Dr. R. Yeap as invited trainer/facilitator "WSQ An Introduction to the Fundamentals of the Personal Data Protection Act for Non-Legal Personnel" (Slides thumbnails), Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants.
23-26 May Dr. R. Yeap, "WSQ Manage IP at a Strategic Level" (9-6pm) for Singapore Media Academy, Public run.
14-17 Apr Dr. R. Yeap & E. Kwa, "WSQ Manage IP at a Strategic Level" (9-6pm) for Singapore Media Academy, Public run.


17-19 Nov K. Choy, J. Kong, V. Cheng & T.R. Yeap as invited speakers in IP Business Congress Asia 2013, Intellectual Asset Management. T.R. Yeap topic: "IP Management: Performance Metrics, SCOPE-IP, Einstein Pyramid and Patent Visualisation"
14-15 Nov T.R. Yeap as invited speaker on "Quantitative Finance: Business Technology Intelligence & Patent Landscaping" in QSM Asia.
30-31 Oct T.R. Yeap as invited investor panelist in France Singapore 2013: Innovation Days
2-3 Oct T.R. Yeap invited lectures on "Intellectual Property Strategies for New Ventures", School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technopreneurship Centre, Nanyang Technological University.
30-31 Aug T.R. Yeap as invited judge for Ideas Inc. Business Challenge 2013.
19, 21, 23, 29 Aug T.R. Yeap & E. Kwa, "WSQ Manage IP at a Strategic Level" & "Invention Generation Workshop" (9-6pm) I20, at Singapore Media Academy
9 Jul T.R. Yeap invited lectures on "Intellectual Property Strategies for New Ventures", ET9102, Nanyang Technopreneurship Centre, Nanyang Technological University.
T.R. Yeap invited lectures on "Intellectual Property Strategies for New Ventures", ET9102, Nanyang Technopreneurship Centre, Nanyang Technological University.
23,24 Apr
2, 3 May
T.R. Yeap & E. Kwa, "WSQ Manage IP at a Strategic Level" & "Invention Generation Workshop" (9-6pm) I19, at Singapore Media Academy
22 Mar T.R. Yeap invited talk on "Apple vs. Samsung Patent Lawsuit: IP lessons and implications for trainers", Institute of Adult Learning.
18-21st Feb T.R. Yeap & E. Kwa, "WSQ Manage IP at a Strategic Level" & "Invention Generation Workshop" (9-6pm) I18, at Singapore Media Academy
15 Feb -
15 Apr
T.R. Yeap invited lectures on "Managing E-Business", BSU78-3, University College Dublin, MSc , Intake MSc27.
T.R. Yeap & E. Kwa, "WSQ Manage IP at a Strategic Level" & "Invention Generation Workshop" (9-6pm) I17, at Singapore Media Academy
Dec12 - Jan13 T.R. Yeap invited lectures on "Fundamentals of E-Business", BSU78-3, University of Bedfordshire, BA Biz Mgt, Intake BABM7.


T.R. Yeap invited lectures on "Intellectual Property Strategies for New Ventures", ET9102, Nanyang Technopreneurship Centre, Nanyang Technological University.
15 Nov C Pozzi, YL Chow, M Hon, T.R. Yeap  and U Despande as BANSEA Panel of Distinguished Mentors in Founders Forum Series 2012: Success with Investor Negotation and Mentor MashUP, organised by Exploit Technologies Pte Ltd in partnership with BANSEA.
16 Nov
T.R. Yeap & E. Kwa, "WSQ Manage IP at a Strategic Level" (9-6pm) for Singapore Media Academy, Public run.
22-25 Oct T.R. Yeap & E. Kwa, "WSQ Manage IP at a Strategic Level" & "Invention Generation Workshop" (9-6pm) I16, at Singapore Media Academy
T.R. Yeap invited lectures on "Technology Commercialisation and Managing Intellectual Property", BS402, School of Biological Sciences / Nanyang Technopreneurship Centre, Nanyang Technological University.
17 to 20 Sep T.R. Yeap & E. Kwa, "WSQ Manage IP at a Strategic Level" & "Invention Generation Workshop" (9-6pm) I15, at Singapore Media Academy
22 Sep T.R. Yeap as invited judge for Ideas Inc. Business Challenge (Grand Finals) 2012.
17 to 20 Sep T.R. Yeap & E. Kwa, "WSQ Manage IP at a Strategic Level" & "Invention Generation Workshop" (9-6pm) I14, at Singapore Media Academy
21 to 24 May T.R. Yeap & E. Kwa, "WSQ Manage IP at a Strategic Level" & "Invention Generation Workshop" (9-6pm) I13, at Singapore Media Academy
26 to 31 Jan T.R. Yeap & E. Kwa, "WSQ Manage IP at a Strategic Level" & "Invention Generation Workshop" (9-6pm) I11, at Singapore Media Academy


21 to 24
T.R. Yeap & E. Kwa, "WSQ Manage IP at a Strategic Level" & "Invention Generation Workshop" (9-6pm) I10, at Singapore Media Academy
17 Oct T.R. Yeap & Amin as invited business competition judge for Web in Travel 2011.
15 Oct T.R. Yeap as invited judge for Ideas Inc. Business Challenge (Grand Final) 2011.
25 to 28
T.R. Yeap & E. Kwa, "WSQ Manage IP at a Strategic Level" & "Invention Generation Workshop" (9-6pm) I6, at Singapore Media Academy
4 July T.R. Yeap as invited judge for Chua Thian Poh New Venture Grant.
21 to 24
T.R. Yeap & E. Kwa, "WSQ Manage IP at a Strategic Level", for Temasek Polytechnic.
30 May -
3 June
T.R. Yeap & S.H. Tang, "Entrepreneurship & Accounting for New Ventures",  Nanyang Technopreneurship Centre, Nanyang Technological University
11 to 14
T.R. Yeap & E. Kwa, "WSQ Manage IP at a Strategic Level" & "Invention Generation Workshop" (9-6pm) I3, at Singapore Media Academy
12 March T.R. Yeap, "Lessons from the Dragon's Den: Watch, Review, Critique and Evaluate" for Ideas Inc. 2011.
12 March T.R. Yeap, "Venture Capital Financing: The Art of Winning Funds for Your Business (Plans)" & "Business Feasibility Study" for Ideas Inc. 2011
February - April T.R. Yeap, "Strategic Information Management for Competitive Advantage", for University College Dublin, National University of Ireland, Dublin.
17 January T.R. Yeap as Judge & Investor for "Marketing and Finance for New Ventures",  Nanyang Technopreneurship Centre, Nanyang Technological University.
10, 11, 12, 14
T.R. Yeap & E. Kwa, "WSQ Manage IP at a Strategic Level" & "Invention Generation Workshop" (9-6pm) I1, at Singapore Media Academy (A MEDIACORP Enterprise)


21 December T.R. Yeap & E. Kwa, "Invention Generation Masterclass", JSD1
Conducted EN121 lectures on "Entrepreneurship Issues in Technology" and "Technology Commercialisation and Managing Intellectual Property",  Nanyang Technopreneurship Centre, Nanyang Technological University.
T.R. Yeap as invited judge for Ideas Inc. Business Challenge for $100k Top Incubation Awards.
16 (pm)
T.R. Yeap, "Lessons from the Dragon's Den: Watch, Review, Critique and Evaluate" for Ideas Inc.
16 (am)
T.R. Yeap, "Sourcing Venture Capital & Managing it: The Art of Winning Funds for Your Business (Plans)" for Ideas Inc. Additional Handouts


T.R. Yeap, Workshop on IP Creation & Invention Methodologies, GHIN India.
T.R. Yeap, presentation on "Patent Strategies for Companies" for Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Japan International Cooperation Agency.
Conducted Bioentrepreneurship lectures on "Entrepreneurship Issues in Technology" and "Technology Commercialisation and Managing Intellectual Property",  Nanyang Technopreneurship Centre, Nanyang Technological University.
Conducted "Thomson Reuters Advanced Innovation Certified Consultants Programme", Level 1 and Level 2, Thomson Reuters.
Invitation to present "Advanced Patent Analysis and Mapping" for MSc in IP Management, National University of Singapore.
Invitation to present "IP Management workshop" for MSc in Management of Technology, National University of Singapore.
Invitation to present "Competitive Technology Intelligence & Intellectual Property" for Institute of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Singapore Management University.


Conducted Entrepreneurship lectures on "Entrepreneurship Issues in Technology" and "Technology Commercialisation and Managing Intellectual Property",  Nanyang Technopreneurship Centre, Nanyang Technological University.
Invitation to present "IP Consulting & Intelligence: Case Studies" for IP Development Day, Nanyang Polytechnic.
Invited panelist and presentation on "Interactive Digital Media: Technology Intelligence in Gaming" during the "Technology Commercialisation Forum 2008", organised by National University of Singapore.
Invited overseas speaker on "知识产权预警系统 (帕斯卡解决方案)", Beijing, China, organised by Beijing IP Organisation.
Conducted Entrepreneurship lectures on "Entrepreneurship Issues in Technology" and "Technology Commercialisation and Managing Intellectual Property",  Nanyang Technopreneurship Centre, Nanyang Technological University.
Conducted Entrepreneurship lectures on "Entrepreneurship Issues in Technology" and "Technology Commercialisation and Managing Intellectual Property",  Nanyang Technopreneurship Centre, Nanyang Technological University.
Conducted "Thomson Reuters Advanced Innovation Certified Consultants Programme" Level 1, Thomson Reuters.
Conducted Entrepreneurship lectures on "Entrepreneurship Issues in Technology" and "Technology Commercialisation and Managing Intellectual Property",  Nanyang Technopreneurship Centre, Nanyang Technological University.
Conducted Entrepreneurship lectures on "Entrepreneurship Issues in Technology" and "Technology Commercialisation and Managing Intellectual Property"  for National Institute of Education.

2001 - 2007

Dec 2007 Conducted Entrepreneurship lectures on "Entrepreneurship Issues in Technology" and "Technology Commercialisation and Managing Intellectual Property",  Nanyang Technopreneurship Centre, Nanyang Technological University.
Nov 2007 Conducted "Technology Intelligence & Consulting Opportunities for IDM/MXR Researchers" for Faculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore.
Sep 2007 Conducted Entrepreneurship lectures on "Entrepreneurship Issues in Technology" and "Technology Commercialisation and Managing Intellectual Property",  Nanyang Technopreneurship Centre, Nanyang Technological University.
Jul 2007 Conducted Entrepreneurship lectures on "Entrepreneurship Issues in Technology" and "Technology Commercialisation and Managing Intellectual Property",  Nanyang Technopreneurship Centre, Nanyang Technological University.
May 2007 Conducted Entrepreneurship lectures on "Entrepreneurship Issues in Technology" and "Technology Commercialisation and Managing Intellectual Property",  Nanyang Technopreneurship Centre, Nanyang Technological University.
2005-2006 Chief Architect for 2nd Generation and
Oct 2006 T.R. Yeap as invited judge and mentor for "Nanyang Technological University Business Plan Competition", organised by Nanyang Technopreneurship Center, NTU.
Jul 2006 T.R. Yeap as invited judge for "INSEAD Business Venture Competition" from INSEAD Singapore Campus.
Jan 2006 Invitation to present "Patent Audit, Patent Mapping and Exploitation" for Capitalising on your Intellectual Property through Patents, Seminar.
Dec 2005 T.R. Yeap as invited judge for "INSEAD Business Venture Competition" from INSEAD Fontainebleau Campus.
Nov 2005 Invitation to present "Commercialisation of Technology & IP Engineering", organised by Hong Kong Productivity Council in Hong Kong and Shenzhen.
Oct 2005 T.R. Yeap as invited judge and mentor for "Nanyang Technological University Business Plan Competition", organised by Nanyang Technopreneurship Center, NTU.
Aug 2005 Invitation to present "Asean-USPTO Seminar on IPR Capacity Building for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" in Bangkok, Thailand, organised by International IP Institute.
Jun 2005 T.R. Yeap as invited judge for "INSEAD Business Venture Competition" from INSEAD Singapore Campus.
Apr 2005 T.R. Yeap as invited judge for "Patent Commercialisation Competition", organised by SIFE and Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University.
Mar 2005 T.R. Yeap as invited judge for "STRATEGIZE: Business Patent Competition", organised by SIFT/Nanyang Technological University.
Feb 2005 Invitation to present "Technopreneurship, Innovation and Technology Intelligence" for TR5105/BMA5108 - Technopreneurship, organised by NUS Entrepreneurship Centre, National University of Singapore .
Feb 2005 Invitation to present "The Art of Transforming Ideas to Inventions", organised by Intellectual Property Office of Singapore and NUS@Startup .
Feb 2005 Invitation to present "Maximising the Value of Your Intellectual Capital, Asset and Property", organised by Young Entrepreneurs Organisation.
Jan 2005 Invitation to present "Boosting Innovation and Inventions for Singapore Schools", organised by Gifted Education Branch, Ministry of Education.
Nov 2004 Invitation to present "Innovation, Technology Intelligence and Entrepreneurship", organised by Centre for Strategic Infocomm Technologies .
Nov 2004 Invitation to present "Technology Intelligence for Infocomm Technologies", organised by Republic Polytechnic.
Oct 2004 T.R. Yeap as invited judge and mentor for "Nanyang Technological University Business Plan Competition", organised by Nanyang Technopreneurship Center, NTU.
Aug 2004 Invitation to present "Ideas Overload, Ideas from Patents", organised by Nanyang Technopreneurship Center, Nanyang Technological University.
Jul 2004 Invitation to present "Sun Tzu's Art of Competitive Intelligence and your IP" in Orchard Library, organised by Intellectual Property Office of Singapore.
Jul 2004 Invitation to present "Biotech & IP Issues: Sun Tzu Art of Competitive Intelligence and Intellectual Property", organised by Nanyang Technopreneurship Center, Nanyang Technological University.
Jun 2004 Invitation to present "Complementing Management of Technology with Patent Mapping ", organised by Center for Management of Science and Technology, National University of Singapore.
May 2004 Invitation to present "Knowledge Management in the 21st Century" for MGMT211TM, organised by Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University.
Mar 2004 Invitation to present "3-day Patent Mapping Seminar and Workshop", organised by IP Academy.
Mar 2004 Invitation to present "The Coming of the 12-year old Wizkid: Creativity, Innovation and Inventions" for IP Camp 2004, organised by Intellectual Property Office of Singapore.
Mar 2004 Invitation to present "Seeking the Patent Truth: Finding value from patents", organised by Singapore Malay Chambers of Commerce & Industry.
Mar 2004 Invitation to present "Making sense of patent information", organised by Intellectual Property Office of Singapore.
Feb 2004 Invitation to present "Making sense of patent information", organised by Singapore Manufacturers' Federation.
Nov 2003 Invitation to present "5-day Computational Patent Mapping for Research Scientists and Engineers", organised by Ella Cheong Mirandah and Sprusons.
Oct 2003 Invitation to present "新加坡生技產業佈局 SARS專利地圖為例 / Patent mapping developments in Singapore & Singapore biotech industry – Using SARS patent map as an example" in 第一屆 亞太專利地圖研討會 / 1st Asia Pacific Patent Mapping Conference organised by 國科會科資中心、經濟部智慧財產局、中山科學研究院, Hsin-Chu City, Taiwan.
Oct 2003 Invitation to present "IP and Patent Mapping Seminar", organised by Nanyang Technological University.
Oct 2003 Invitation to present "iPmaps; IPMirror and SCOPE IP", organised by Intellectual Property Office of Singapore.
Sep 2003 Invitation to present "SARS Patent Mapping and Analysis" in Patent Portfolio Conference organised by China Productivity Center and National Chiao-Tung University, Hsin-Chu City, Taiwan.
Aug 2003 Invitation to present "Patent Intelligence for Inventors", organised by Ella Cheong Mirandah and Sprusons.
Jul 2003 Journal presentation on "Computational Patent Mapping: Intelligent Agents for Nanotechnology" in International Conference on MEMS, NANO & Smart Systems, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Jul 2003 Invitation to present "Patent Searching In a Nutshell", organised by Intellectual Property Office of Singapore.
Mar 2003 Invitation to present "Technology Intelligence" for ST Engineering 5th IPR workshop, organised by ST Engineering.
2003 Invented Patent Intelligence Expert System.
2003 Founder of
Dec 2002 Invitation to present "Technology Intelligence and Patent Mapping" for Spruson and Ferguson, Sydney, Australia.
2001 Invented Advanced Patent Analysis and Mapping System.

Patents & Publications

  • Yeap, T., Ling, K.T., 2020, "IP Blockchain Forensics Method and System", The Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property, RU2018145156

  • Yeap, T., Ling, K.T., 2019, "Blockchain Method and System", US Patent and Trademark Office, Patent Application No. US20190280856

  • Yeap, T., Ling, K.T., 2019, "Distributed Ledger Platform for IP", European Patent Office, EP16902564

  • Yeap, T., Ling, K.T., 2019, "System and Method for Proof of Existence", IP Australia, AU2016407193

  • Yeap, T., Ling, K.T., 2018, "Blockchain Method and System", US Patent and Trademark Office, Patent Application No. US16/302,243

  • Yeap, T., Ling, K.T., 2018, "Intellectual Asset Method and System", Canadian Intellectual Property Office, CA3024837

  • Yeap, T., Ling, K.T., 2018, "Distributed Ledger Platform for IP", European Patent Office, EP16902564

  • Yeap, T., Ling, K.T., 2018, "System and Method for Proof of Existence", IP Australia, AU2016407193

  • Yeap, T., Ling, K.T., 2018, "Zero Knowledge IP Method and System", Intellectual Property India, IN201847047669

  • Yeap, T., Ling, K.T., 2018, "IP Blockchain Forensics Method and System", The Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property, RU2018145156

  • Yeap, T., Ling, K.T., 2018, "Distributed platform for IP registration", National Office Of Intellectual Property Of Vietnam, VN1-2018-05776

  • Yeap, T., Ling, K.T., 2018, "IP Blockchain Method And System", Intellectual Property Office of Singapore, Granted Patent, App. No. 10201604032U

  • Yeap, T., Ling, K.T., 2018, "测量与移动装置关联的体验质量", 中华人民共和国国家知识产权局, 专利公开号 CN201680085893

  • Yeap, T., Ling, K.T., 2018, "ブロックチェーンの方法とシステム", Japan Patent Office, Rec. no. JP51802379751

  • Yeap, T., Ling, K.T., 2018, "블록체인 방법 및 시스템", Korea Patent Office, Patent Application No. KR20180138217

  • Phan, W.Y., Yeap, T., 2018, "모바일 디바이스와 연관된 경험의 품질 측정", Korea Patent Office, Granted Patent No. KR101819791

  • Yeap, T., Ling, K.T., 2016, "IP Blockchain Method And System", Intellectual Property Office of Singapore, Patent Application Number 10201604032U

  • Yeap, T., Ling, K.T., Cheong, S.C, Chuang, S.K., 2016, "Applied Cryptographic IP Management Method And System", World Intellectual Property Organization, Patent Application Number PCT/SG2016/050237

  • Patil, P., Yeap, T., 2016, "Monitoring Connection Quality", United States Patent and Trademark Office, Granted Patent Number 13/212,442

  • Phan, W.Y., Yeap, T., 2016, "モバイル​デバイス​に​関連付け​られ​た​体感​品質​の​測定", Japan Patent Office, Granted Patent Number JP5847966

  • Yeap, T. 2015, "User Movement Interpretation in Computer Generated Reality", United States Patent & Trademark Office, Granted Patent Number 8,966,400

  • Phan, W.Y., Yeap, T., 2014, 测量与移动装置关联的体验质量, 中华人民共和国国家知识产权局, 专利公开号 CN104160734A

  • Phan, W.Y., Yeap, T., 2014, 모바일 디바이스와 연관된 경험의 품질 측정, Korea Patent Office, Patent Application No. 1020140136977

  • Yeap, T., 2014, "Memory Card Copy Protection Method and System", Invention Disclosure, Invention Capital LLP

  • Phan, W.Y., Yeap, T., 2013, "Measuring Quality Of Experience Associated With A Mobile Device", United States Patent and Trademark Office, Patent Application Number 13/237,157

  • Patil, P., Yeap, T., 2013, "Monitoring Connection Quality", United States Patent and Trademark Office, Patent Application Number 13/212,442

  • Phan, W.Y., Yeap, T., 2013, "Bandwidth Auctions", World Intellectual Property Organization, Patent Application Number WO20131000854

  • W.Y. Phan, T.R. Yeap, "Technology Competitive Intelligence on UPC705/*", 2012.

  • P. Patil, T.R. Yeap, "Patent Valuation and Technology Competitive Intelligence on UPC52/*", 2012.

  • Yeap, T., 2012, "Long-Short Hedge Fund Method and System", United States Patent and Trademark Office, Patent Application Number 13/635,376

  • Yeap, T., 2012, "Event-Driven Hedge Fund Method and System", Intellectual Property Office of Singapore, Granted Patent. Patent Number 184108

  • Patil, P., Yeap, T., 2012, "Monitoring Connection Quality", World Intellectual Property Organization, Patent Application Number PCT/US2012/24693

  • Yeap, T., 2011. "Quantitative Dividends Method and System", World Intellectual Property Organization, Patent Application Number WO/2011/125456

  • Phan, W.Y., Yeap, T., 2011, "Bandwidth Auctions", Singapore Patent Office, Patent Serial Number SG-814836

  • Yeap, T., 2010, "User Movement Interpretation in Computer Generated Reality", United States Patent & Trademark Office, Patent Application Number 20110302536

  • T.R. Yeap, The Business Model Canvas: Examples from Invention Capital, Invention Capital Publishing, 2011.

  • T.R. Yeap, "Palm Print Recognition Competitive Technology Intelligence Report", August 2009.

  • T.R. Yeap, "Amgen Inc. Competitive Intelligence and Patenting Report", Thomson Reuters, January 2009.

  • T.R. Yeap, "Colorectal Cancer: Life Science Technology and Patenting Report", Thomson Reuters, December 2008.

  • T.R. Yeap, "Influenza: Life Science Technology and Patenting Report", Thomson Reuters, November 2008.

  • N. Ma and T.R. Yeap, "Interactive Digital Media Patent Analysis and Landscape Mapping: Gaining In-depth Technology Intelligence in Electronic Gaming Industry", Thomson Reuters, October 2008.

  • M. Haga and T.R. Yeap, "HIV/AIDS Patent Analysis and Mapping", Thomson Reuters, September 2008.

  • T.R. Yeap, "Pharma-Patent Report on Sildenafil Citrate / Viagra / Revatio", Thomson Reuters, August 2008.

  • T.R. Yeap, UPC-705 关于电子商务商业模式的专利分析报告, Thomson Reuters, August 2008.

  • T.R. Yeap and N. Ma, "Motor Vehicles: Inventions and Patents Illustrated Report", Thomson Reuters, November 2007

  • T.R. Yeap, J. Chan, A. Shivraj, "Novel approach to Post Earthquake-Tsunami: Patent Mapping", Intellectual Property Office of Singapore / SurfIP, May 2005.

  • J. Chan, A. Shivraj, M. Ashworth, P. Suresh, T.R. Yeap, "Earthquake Technology Competitive Intelligence Report", Computational Patent Analysis and Mapping Series, 3i Analytics Press, ISBN: 981-267-015-7, 3i Analytics Press, Apr 2005.

  • J. Chan, A. Shivraj, M. Ashworth, P. Suresh, T.R. Yeap, "Tsunami Technology Competitive Intelligence Report", Computational Patent Analysis and Mapping Series, 3i Analytics Press, ISBN: 981-267-014-9, 3i Analytics Press, Apr 2005.

  • J. Chan, A. Shivraj, M. Ashworth, P. Suresh, J. Chua, T.R. Yeap, "Earthquake-Tsunami Technology Competitive Intelligence Report", Computational Patent Analysis and Mapping Series, 3i Analytics Press, ISBN: 981-4168-99-8, 3i Analytics Press, March 2005.

  • J. Chan, J. Chua, T.R. Yeap, "Innovation Mapping for Singapore", Intellectual Property Office of Singapore / SurfIP, Feburary 2005.

  • J. Chan, "Novel Due Diligence for Business Plans & Technology Investment", Intellectual Property Office of Singapore / SurfIP, October 2004.

  • S. W. Leow, "Scents and Sensibility: An Analytical View of the Perfume Industry with Patent Maps", Intellectual Property Office of Singapore / SurfIP, June 2004.

  • A. Shivraj, T.R. Yeap, "TACKLING THE VIRUS: Patent Analysis Unravels Promising Technologies to Combat Avian Influenza", Asia Biotechnology News, Volume 8, No. 11. June 2004.

  • A. Shivraj, "Patent Analysis: An Essential Technique in the Answer to Avian Influenza", Surf-IP, Intellectual Property Office of Singapore, Apr 2004.

  • A. Shivraj, Z. Hamid, T.R. Yeap, G. H. Loo, "Bird Flu Patent Analysis and Mapping", Computational Patent Analysis and Mapping Series, 3i Analytics Press, ISBN: 981-264-012-6, Mar 2004.

  • T.R. Yeap, A. Shivraj, “Selected Papers on Technology Intelligence”, Book, ISBN: 981-05-0714-3, 2004.

  • A. Shivraj, "Patent Mapping: The Technology in Patents", Innovation Magazine, World Scientific Publishing, National University of Singapore, Vol 4, No 2. 2004.

  • H. L. Goh, G. H. Loo, T. Teo, S. Zheng, "Chocolate - The Secret Ingredient: Patent Maps", ECMS Press, 2004.

  • Hamid, Z.A.A. “Pre-Licensing Consideration Through Patent Mapping”, LES Singapore, Oct. 6, 2003.

  • A. Blattman, S. Chandran, S. Irani, T.R. Yeap, D. Perkins, and R. Miller "Computational Patent Mapping", in Technology Intelligence and Selected Topics in Biotechnology Patents, ECMS Press, Singapore, 2003, pp. 5-8.

  • Z. Hamid, A. Shivraj, T.R. Yeap, G. H. Loo, "SARS Patent Analysis and Mapping, 2nd edition", Computational Patent Analysis and Mapping Series, ECMS Press,  ISBN: 981-05-0618-X, Sep 2003.

  • T.R. Yeap, "Patent Mapping for SARS Researchers", Asia-Pacific Biotech News (APBN), Singapore, 2003.

  • T.R. Yeap, "Novel Weaponry against SARS - Patent Mapping", ECMS Press, 2003.

  • T.R. Yeap, "Technology Intelligence & Computational Patent Mapping", Bangalore Patenting Activities, 2003.

  • T.R. Yeap, G. H. Loo, S. Pang, "Computational Patent Mapping: Intelligent Agents for Nanotechnology", IEEE Journal of International Conference on MEMS, NANO and Smart Systems, IEEE Computer Society, July 2003.

  • Z. Hamid, T.R. Yeap, A. Shivraj, G. H. Loo, "SARS Patent Analysis and Mapping", Computational Patent Analysis and Mapping Series, ECMS Press, ISBN: 981-05-0618-X, June 2003.

  • T.R. Yeap, "SARS and How Patent Mapping Can Aid Biotechnology Scientists", Mondaq, May 2003.

  • T.R. Yeap, "Patent Analysis and Mapping: Face Recognition Technology for Airport Surveillance Applications", ECMS Publication, Singapore, 2002.

  • T.R. Yeap, "Analysis of Patents Issued for Singapore Inventions in the USPTO", Mondaq, October 2002.

  • T.R. Yeap, G. H. Loo, H. M. Phng, "Speech Recognition Patent Analysis and Mapping", December 2001.

  • T.R. Yeap, "UPC 705: Business Model Patent Analysis and Mapping", September 2001.

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